Friday, 31 December 2021

Software Akuntansi Praktis, Lengkap dan Sederhana


Waktu Anda Habis
Tersedot Oleh Bisnis?

Waktunya Beralih ke yang Praktis!


Pembukuan Manual Sangat
Merepotkan Bisnis?

Dapatkan Software yang Praktis!


Mengalami Kesulitan Saat
Mengontrol Bisnis?

Gunakan Software yang Praktis!


Hemat Waktu

Software accounting kami akan meningkatkan produktivitas kerja sehingga anda lebih banyak waktu untuk melakukan apa yang anda sukai. ramaakunting

Modul Lengkap

Mengelola perusahaan menggunakan satu aplikasi akuntansi membuat laporan keuangan secara instan dan mudah secara otomatis.

User Friendly

Rancangan software secara sederhana untuk memudahkan anda dalam menggunakan program akuntansi kami, sehingga bekerja lebih efektif dan efisien.

Custom Made

Layanan custom made khusus bagi yang menginginkan aplikasi akunting sesuai dengan spesifik alur bisnis dan operasional yang ada.

Mengapa Harus RAMA Akunting?

Berdiri sejak tahun 2012, RAMA Akunting adalah perusahaan software akuntansi yang memberikan solusi bagi pemilik bisnis yang ingin membangun manajemen kontrol dan standar operasional perusahaan baik usaha kecil dan menengah. Sebagai software accounting atau program akuntansi yang sederhana, lengkap dan terintegrasi secara penuh terhadap semua proses bisnis perusahaan maka akan memudahkan mengontrol persediaan barang, buku besar, data keuangan dan operasional secara otomatis.ramaakunting

software akutansi custom

software akuntansi

aplikasi distributor

Faktanya, Banyak Perusahaan yang Mengeluh Karena..

Susahnya menemukan software akuntansi yang cocok

Banyak perusahaan distributor , dagang , retail , proyek dan jasa yang belum cocok dengan program atau tools sistem yang mereka gunakan, sehingga membuat waktu mereka sia-sia dan menghabiskan biaya yang tinggi dalam mengelola bisnisnya.

Sulitnya memantau biaya operasional truck

Banyak Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang trucking dan angkutan mengalami masalah dalam memantau biaya operasional per sopir, yang mengakibat banyak pengeluaran yang seharusnya tidak dikeluarkan.

Masih Manual Dalam Mengelola Usaha Ekspedisi

Perusahaan ekspedisi dalam mengelola usahanya rata-rata masih dengan manual , sehingga sulit untuk memantau operasional dan sering terjadinya kehilangan barang customer.

Sulit Mengetahui Harga Pokok Penjualan Produksi Barang

Dalam proses produksi produk sering kali Harga Pokok Penjualan Produksi Barang disepelekan, yang membuat pengeluaran menjadi tinggi tidak sebanding dengan hasil.

Jika perusahaan anda mengalami keluhan seperti :

Susah mencari software akuntansi yang cocok dan praktis?

Sulitnya memantau sisa stock dan mana yang laris terjual?

Bingung harus prioritas order barang apa ke supplier?

Bingung kontrol piutang dan mana pelanggan yang harus di prioritaskan?

Jika jawaban anda”Ya”, maka anda gak perlu khawatir lagi dengan masalah tersebut. Karena semua bisa diatasi oleh program akuntansi Rama Akunting.

8 Alasan Mengapa Anda Harus

Memilih Software Akuntansi Yang Tepat & Dapat diandalkan!

Multi company, Cabang & Gudang

Sistem Terintegrasi Semua Bagian

Import Data dari Microsoft Excel

Export Laporan ke Berbagai Format

Apa Saja Keunggulan Software Akuntansi Kami?

Database Client Server

Garansi Support After Sales

Fitur PPN dan PPH

Software Online Desktop

Perusahaan yang Sudah Mempercayai Kami

Yakin Tidak Ingin Order Sekarang?

Anda mencari software terintegrasi semua proses bisnis dan garansi implementasi sukses?

ramaakunting adalah aplikasi akuntansi praktis , mudah dan mengintegrasikan semua proses bisnis anda dengan kemudahan layanan Custom made (aplikasi akunting custom).

Software akuntansi murah kami sudah mengintegrasikan semua proses bisnis anda sehingga tidak ada manual lagi, jika proses bisnis anda tidak standard maka kami mempunyai layanan Custom Made.

Apa yang Akan Saya Dapatkan?

Perkenalkan Produk RAMA Akunting

RAMA Standard Edition

9 Manfaat yang akan didapatkan antara lain :

1. Mengelola dan analisa stock dengan praktis

2. Mengontrol pesanan customer mudah dan praktis

3. Mudah menentukan pengiriman barang pesanan customer

4. Mudah menentukan barang yang harus dipesan

5. Mudah mengontrol hutang dan piutang

6. Mudah mengontrol biaya-biaya perusahaan

7. Mudah membuat laporan keuangan

8. Mudah menganalisa data untuk mengambil keputusan

9. Kerja lebih efisien sehingga mempunyai waktu bersama keluarga

RAMA Trucking Edition

9 Manfaat yang akan didapatkan antara lain :

1. Mudah mengontrol uang jalan sopir

2. Mudah menghitung gaji sopir

3. Mudah mengontrol biaya mobil dan sparepartnya

4. Mudah mengontrol laba-rugi per mobil

5. Mudah mengontrol biaya operasional

6. Mudah mengontrol hutang dan piutang

7. Mudah membuat laporan keuangan

8. Mudah menganalisa data untuk mengambil keputusan

9. Kerja menjadi efisien sehingga anda memiliki waktu bersama keluarga.

RAMA Ekspedisi Edition

9 Manfaat yang akan didapatkan antara lain :

1. Mudah mengontrol resi dan manifest pengiriman

2. Mudah mengontrol uang jalan sopir

3. Mudah mengontrol laba-rugi per mobil

4. Mudah mengontrol biaya operasional

5. Mudah memvalidasi resi pengiriman dan invoice

6. Mudah mengontrol hutang dan piutang

7. Mudah membuat laporan keuangan

8. Mudah menganalisa data untuk mengambil keputusan

9. Kerja sangat efisien sehingga anda memiliki waktu bersama keluarga.

RAMA Enterprise Edition

9 Manfaat yang akan didapatkan antara lain :

1. Mudah mengontrol pesanan customer

2. Mudah mengontrol stock barang

3. Mudah mengontrol proses produksi dari bahan baku

(RM) sampai barang jadi (Finish Goods)

4. Mudah mengetahui harga pokok barang (COGS)

5. Mudah mengontrol pesanan ke supplier

6. Mudah mengontrol biaya pabrikasi

7. Mudah membuat laporan keuangan

8. Mudah menganalisa data untuk mengambil keputusan

9. Kerja terasa efisien sehingga anda memiliki waktu bersama keluarga.

Saya Tertarik nih! Berapa Harganya?

Harga Software Akuntansi Khusus Bulan Ini

RAMA Standard Edition

4.500.000/per komputer

3.000.000/per komputer

Finance & Accounting

Hutang & Piutang

Mengelola Penjualan

Mengelola Job Costing

Mengelola Pembelian

Mengelola Persediaan

Mengelola Aktiva Tetap

Untuk Distributor & Dagang


RAMA Trucking Edition

5.500.000/per komputer

3.500.000/per komputer

Finance & Accounting

Hutang & Piutang

Mengelola Ops. Trucking

Mengelola Bengkel

Mengelola Pembelian

Mengelola Persediaan

Mengelola Aktiva Tetap

Untuk Trucking & Angkutan


RAMA Ekspedisi Edition

5.500.000/per komputer

3.500.000/per komputer

Finance & Accounting

Hutang & Piutang

Mengelola Ops. Ekspedisi

Mengelola Bengkel

Mengelola Pembelian

Mengelola Persediaan

Mengelola Aktiva Tetap

Untuk Ekspedisi & Jasa Cargo


RAMA Enterprise Edition

6.500.000/per komputer

4.500.000/per komputer

Finance & Accounting

Hutang & Piutang

Mengelola Penjualan

Mengelola Pabrikasi

Mengelola Pembelian

Mengelola Persediaan

Mengelola Aktiva Tetap

Untuk Pabrik & Manufaktur


Bagaimana Jika Tidak Memiliki Software RAMA Akunting?

  • Anda akan semakin pusing, karena pencatatan dan pembukuan sulit dan rumit apabila di kerjakan secara manual
  • Waktu Anda akan banyak tersita, karena tidak produktif
  • Anda akan tertinggal teknologi, para pengusaha saat ini sebagian besar telah lebih dulu menggunakan software akuntansi yang modern

Ingin tahu lebih banyak lagi tentang RAMA Akunting?

Mari Dapatkan penjelasan lebih tentang RAMA Akunting melalui Free Presentasi

Silakan masukkan data berikut :

  • Epicentrum Walk South 529 A Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Karet Kuningan Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12940 Indonesia

Friday, 24 December 2021

Welcome to the world's best cannabis


Cannabis in Brno

Brno is the Czech Republic’s second-largest city in terms of population and area. Cannabis is rather easy to come by in Vancouver, as it is in most large cities. Here’s a complete guide about buying and using marijuana in… Read More

Cannabis in Taipei

Taipei is the capital of Taiwan, a small island nation with a large metropolitan area. Taipei is the ideal place to visit if you enjoy seeing architecture and learning about different cultures. BEST VACATION-SPOTS FOR CANNABIS The city is well-known for its diverse street food options and food markets, ensuring that foodies will have a good day. Also, when the cravings hit, it’s a great environment, but what’s the state of cannabis in… Read More

Cannabis in Sofia

Sofia is becoming a more popular tourist destination, and with more visitors comes the question of where to get marijuana. Sofia has a beautiful city center, which is great for stoned walks. Full with things to do, lots of places where you can grab a pizza, kebab or some ice-cream. However, it is better to watch out and not walk around with weed on… Read More

Cannabis in Bern

If you’re the type of traveler who enjoys exploring gorgeous cities while high on cannabis, then Bern, Switzerland’s capital city, is a must-see. The city’s medieval architecture and old town are well-known. Also, Bern’s nightlife is fantastic, so trust us when we say you’ll have a great time and get some weed throughout your stay. If you’re a cannabis enthusiast…. Read More

Cannabis in Manchester

Manchester is a beautiful city with a rich history. It’s frequently referred to as a student city or a city of young people, and we know what you’re thinking right now! The city has numerous furnished parks and campuses where young people congregate to consume marijuana. Weed rules aren’t severe, and it’s rather easy to obtain high-quality marijuana…. Read More

Cannabis in Vir

Vir though not the most popular tourist destination in Croatia, the people present and those who have been there all seem to love this island. It provides a quaint and a less mainstream vacation. Just a short drive away from Zadar. If you want to enjoy the beauty of the sea and the island with some marijuana, that might be hard to…. Read More

Cannabis in Limassol

After the capital Nicosia, Limassol is Cyprus’ second-largest city. Tourists flock to the city because of its rich history, which includes ancient castles and strongholds that are still standing. Whether you’re in Limassol for the lovely weather, the history, or the waterpark, a little cannabis can help you enjoy your stay even more. Unfortunately, cannabis remains illegal in Cyprus, and the restrictions are extremely tight. Continue reading for a complete guide to cannabis in…. Read More

Cannabis in Washington D.C.

Washington, D.C is the political capital of the United States is. This is where important decisions are made and history is written. Furthermore, the city itself is fairly pleasant, with plenty of college students, pubs, restaurants, and interesting things to do. For non-lawyers, the marijuana issue in Washington, D.C. is a little convoluted, but all you need to know is that if you’re 21, getting something to smoke won’t be a…. Read More

Cannabis in Bansko

If you enjoy winter activities while also being a cannabis enthusiast, Bansko is the place for you. It is Bulgaria’s best and most popular winter resort. It is possible to obtain a good grade herb there, but it will be more difficult than in other large Bulgarian towns…. Read More

Cannabis in Buenos Aires

Argentina is recognized for its beautiful landscape and vibrant culture. Argentina’s capital and most populous city is Buenos Aires. The city is well-known for both its well-preserved architecture and its diverse culture. This is a thorough guide about cannabis consumption and purchase in Buenos Aires, Argentina… Read More

Weed in Sao Paulo

If you ever find yourself in Brazil, there’s a good chance you’ll pay a visit to Sao Paulo. The city is noted for its large population and as a financial center in Brazil. The city’s culture and neo-gothic architecture are well-known. Is there any better way to get a taste of this gorgeous city than to get your hands on some marijuana…. Read More

Weed in New York

Marijuana is illegal in New York, and the cops are enforcing it. For the past eight years, cops have been busting people for very little amounts of marijuana. If NY police stop you with ANY marijuana, you will be arrested and held in a NY jail for 48 hours. Prices can range from $20 -$40 a gram. depending on what type of dope you looking for. An ounce could be anywhere between $300-$450…. Read More

Weed in Tokyo

Tokyo, the world’s busiest city, continues to draw millions of visitors each year. Modern architecture, intriguing things to do and see, and, of course, delicious cuisine beautify the city. Exploration of the city is usually enhanced by the use of marijuana, but what is the current state of that cannabis in… Read More

Weed in Mexico City, MEXICO

Mexico City has grown into an urban metropolis in recent years, and it is now one of the world’s major financial capitals. The city has begun to renovate its parks and open areas. Furthermore, both the cultural and culinary scenes are thriving. In Mexico, using marijuana will make your trip much more joyful. This is a thorough reference regarding cannabis… Read More

Weed in Barbados, Caribbean

Barbados is a Caribbean island republic that is frequently regarded as one of the best places to visit in that region of the world. Millions of tourists came from all over the world to enjoy the wonderful atmosphere, pleasant waters, and native rum. Many visitors are unaware that marijuana is legal on the island, albeit it is not… Read More

Weed in Jerusalem

Jerusalem has been one of the most important cities in the Middle East for thousands of years. It is revered by Christians, Jews, and Muslims, and it is claimed by both Israel and Palestine as their capital. Despite its historical history and political turmoil, Jerusalem is a contemporary city with many of the same amenities that… Read More

Weed in Istanbul

If you ever find yourself in Istanbul, a gorgeous metropolis that spans two continents, there’s a good chance you’ll want to smoke marijuana to enhance your experience. The city has a lengthy history, and many old buildings from various civilizations may be seen. Culture buffs will savor every moment in… Read More

Weed in Monaco

Monaco is a small city-state situated on the stunning French Riviera. The city is well-known for its richness, with more than a third of its residents millionaires. If you can afford it, this playground for the wealthy also features fantastic beaches, great restaurants, and nightlife. Given the French and Italian influences, cannabis laws… Read More

Weed in Stockholm

If you’re in Stockholm and want to know more about marijuana, here is the place to go! Stockholm is both the capital and the most populous city in Sweden. In fact, it is the most populous city in all of Scandinavia. This enormous city is unique in that it is made up of 14 smaller islands connected by bridges. Stockholm is also one of Europe’s greenest capitals and one of the continent’s most beautiful… Read More

Weed in Amsterdam

Best stoner-friendly voyage destinations. Many consider Amsterdam to be Europe’s marijuana capital. Since 1970s, the Dutch have been ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to recreational cannabis. Anyone over the age of 18 can buy cannabis and hash from the so-called coffeeshops… Read More

Weed in Zagreb

Every year, nearly a million tourists visit Zagreb, Croatia’s main city. It’s only reasonable that some of those visitors will want to get high while there. So here you have it, our cannabis guide for Zagreb.Best 420 travel destinations The rules governing the use, production, and possession of cannabis are hard and restricted. Cannabis is classified in… Read More

Weed in Nicosia, Cyprus

Nicosia, Cyprus’ capital, is an ancient, attractive city that manages to blend many cultures to create a distinct atmosphere. The city is separated into two areas, one in the south that is Greek and the other in the north that is Turkish; yet, it is still the European Union’s capital and has all of the facilities that comes with it. In Nicosia, you can expect a vibrant nightlife as well as access to cannabis… Read More

Weed in Lyon

Lyon is a historically significant city, with more than 2,000 years of history in the form of monuments and notable landmarks in the city center. Lyon has a lot to offer, from the Roman Amphitheater des Trois Guales to Traboules, which are covered passages between houses. It’s also a good place to get cannabis… Read More

Weed in Brussels

Brussels is one of Europe’s most vibrant cities, with plenty to see and do. Smoking cannabis in Brussels will elevate this lovely city to new heights. If you smoke a joint before exploring the old architecture and cobblestone streets, you’ll have a much better time… Read More

Weed in Vienna

Vienna is one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, and it’s also one of the most weed-friendly.
After smoking a joint in one of the city’s many parks, there’s nothing better than strolling around the magnificent 1st district. Although marijuana is prohibited in Austria, the Viennese and visitors to the city do not take the legislation seriously… Read More

Weed in Prague

The Czech Republic has earned a reputation as Europe’s best party destination, with Prague serving as the capital. There’s good beer and decent cannabis supply and a memorable lifestyle the city has to offer. There’s no need to be concer… Read More

Weed in Berlin

Every year, millions of people visit Berlin, Germany’s capital city, which has a rich historical culture and heritage. The city has a lot to offer in terms of nightlife, sightseeing, delectable cuisine, street art, and so on. It’s the perfect place to light up our favorite herb and take in the sights and sounds of the city. Although marijuana isn’t legal, smoking is widely accepted and… Read More

Weed in Rome

There is no other city in the world like Rome, and it is one of the locations that everyone should see. With its delicious food, fascinating history, and exciting nightlife, you must visit this city when inebriated. Of all, Italians are pretty relaxed about marijuana, so despite the regulations, you should be able to get your hands on weed in Rome… Read More

Weed in Barcelona

Best Blunts-Friendly Travel Destinations. This is a complete travel-guide on cannabis consumption and purchase in Barcelona. Many tourists will be astonished to learn how popular it is to obtain Cannabis Barcelo… Read More

Weed in Las Vegas

Nevada has decriminalized marijuana to some extent, meaning that first-time possession of a small amount for personal enjoyment by those over the age of 21 will not result in a prison sentence or a criminal record. Nevada has legalized medical marijuana… Read More

Weed In Paris

There are a variety of reasons why Paris, France, is the most visited city in the world. There, art, culture, history, wine, gastronomy, and architecture all collide. But what is the situation regarding marijuana in… Read More

Weed in Geneva

Best vacation-spots for potheads: Have you ever considered visiting a beautiful city near Lake Geneva that is encircled by the Alps? Because the city has been influenced by French culture, bohemian areas such as Carouge are common. Exploring the city is a thrilling experience that might last for days. If you’re a cannabis enthusiast, you’ll fall in… Read more

Weed in Tel Aviv

Best cannabis-friendly destinations: Tel Aviv is one of Israel’s largest cities and a popular vacation destination due to its affordable prices and fantastic atmosphere. Because the city is near the coast, there are several sandy beaches where the nightlife takes place. Israelis consume a lot of marijuana, and it would be a shame if you didn’t do so during your… Read more

Weed in St. Lucia

Best cannabis-friendly destinations: Saint Lucia is a Caribbean island nation known for its beautiful beaches and ideal climate. The dry season, between January and April, is when the majority of visitors come to this tropical paradise… Read more

Weed in Reykjavik, Iceland

Best cannabis-friendly destinations: Iceland’s capital and largest city is Reykjavik. It is by far the country’s most prominent cultural and economic center. Despite its modest size, Reykjavik has a vibrant and vibrant nightlife. However, you should keep in mind that… Read more

Weed in London

Best cannabis-friendly destinations: London is a city that doesn’t need an introduction. It’s a large metropolis with enough to do and see at any given time. When it comes to weed, London isn’t the best city in the world, but if you’re prepared to put in the effort, you’ll be able to… Read more

Weed in Dubai

Best cannabis-friendly destinations: Dubai is a luxurious metropolis that appeals to a wide range of individuals. The city is noted for its shopping malls, modern architecture, vibrant nightlife, and a wide range of exciting activities. What better way to explore and… Read more

Weed in Sydney

Best cannabis-friendly destinations: Despite popular belief, Sydney is not Australia’s capital. It is, however, the country’s largest metropolis. It’s a city unlike any other, with a spectacular climate, beaches, culture, nightlife, and a youthful population. Sydney is a fantastic vacation destination, and you’ll be pleased to… Read more

Miami, FL, Florida

Best cannabis-friendly destinations: When visiting, staying in a hotel is the safest option. Ask the Bellhops or Bagboys whether you’re staying there. They will be far less likely to take advantage of you because they work there and know where you can find them. I strongly oppose anything offered by… Read more Best psychedelics travel destinations

best vacation-spots for potheads

best vacation-spots for potheads, best vacation-spots for potheads

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